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The Regional Newsletter is written by UCM’s Regional Coordinator, James Perreaux.

June 30, 2023

UCM Regional Report

BC Regional Staff Gathering

 At the end of this university term, I felt it would be important to gather all our campus ministry staff in Richmond, BC so that we could celebrate the work God has done on our campuses and say farewell to four staff workers who were moving on. 

Our one-day gathering included worshipping together, sharing open-mic words, reporting on the highs and lows of the term, learning and resourcing, and of course eating together and having a bit of fun (i.e. bowling!). 

We ended our day together acknowledging our 4 apprentices graduating from our one-year training program (see below). We also took time to share speeches and pray over our 4 staff who were exiting UCM at this time. We will dearly miss Chris Felzmann (UBC Full-time Staff), Tanya Lui (UBC Part-time), Kaja Bakken (UBC Part-time), and Monica Lambatin (SFU Apprentice).

Our 4 Apprentice Graduates!

The UCM Apprenticeship is a full-time, fundraised program that provides training for graduated students considering campus ministry. Theological training, spiritual formation, and ministry skills are taught while ministering on campus as part of
an experienced campus missionary team.

Our 4 apprentices who completed our one-year training are: 

  • Tim Degerness (UBC)

  • Hanna Turgeon (SFU)

  • Monica Lambatin (SFU)

  • Josh Tamblyn (BCIT)

I'm happy to report that 3 (Tim, Hanna and Josh) have felt the call to commit to long-term campus ministry roles and will continue serving at their respective campuses, helping us extend our reach on each of those campuses.

Prayer Requests

Please keep these items in prayer this month: 

  1. Our 18 UCM Campus Ministers - Please keep this amazing staff team in your prayers: Milly Cash, Katrina Hayashi and Hanna Turgeon (at SFU), Nick Barnes, Paul Engels, and Tim Degerness (at UBC), Lydia Collin, Robyn Wilson, Julie Niyitegeka, Austin Penner (at VIU), John Engels (Interim at UVic), Calvin Weber, Joanna Skucas, and Josh Tamblyn (at BCIT), Kristen Hovde (at UFV), and James Perreaux, Reena Kersey, and Josh Hufemia (at UBCO). Additionally Lauryn Kelman works as James's regional administrative assistant. 

  2. Our 7 Campus Ministries - UCM has developed discipling communities on the following campuses: UVic Victoria, VIU Nanaimo, UBC Vancouver, SFU Burnaby, BCIT Burnaby, UFV Abbotsford, and UBCO Kelowna.  

  3. More Workers for the Harvest! - Currently we have five job postings for needed positions on five campuses in BC. We are looking for a Director at UVic in Victoria and UFV in Abbotsford. We are looking to train-up support staff at UBC Vancouver (female pastor), SFU Burnaby (male pastor), and UBCO Kelowna (support staff). Please keep these great needs in prayer and let me know if you know someone who might fit the role.


March 30, 2023

UCM Regional Coordinator Update

Rev. James Perreaux

UCM Regional Coordinator

As of January 1, 2023, James Perreaux was appointed to be our UCM Regional Coordinator in British Columbia. While he will continue to give direction to campus ministry at UBC Okanagan, he has been called to give leadership and care to the 7 campus ministries and 22 staff across our province. With UCM moving under the national office of the PAOC Mission Canada, James is able to serve in this position remotely from Kelowna, BC. 

James’ job description: 

  • To strengthen and extend the vision of Mission Canada and SERVE Campus Network through current and new campus ministries in British Columbia, through the UCM brand and model of ministry - Transforming university students, the marketplace and world through Christ. We envision every post-secondary student having the opportunity to be reconciled and maturing in Christ.

James’ 3 key responsibilities: 

  • HEALTH: British Columbia Campus Ministries and Staff

  • DEVELOPMENT: of current and future leaders

  • MULTIPLICATION: of Campus Ministries and Leaders

The last month and a half has brought a lot of new responsibilities to his plate, but James is happy to serve this provincial ministry team that he has been a part of for 19 years. James knows that balancing both a local and provincial role will be challenging, so you can be praying for him as he helps the team navigate all the transitional change to our new national office (PAOC Mission Canada) and continue to prioritize strengthening and extending campus ministries in British Columbia

Lauryn Kelman

UCM Administrative Assistant

Lauryn Kelman is serving as an Administrative Assistant to James Perreaux, as well as John Engels who is the Mission Canada national coordinator for SERVE Campus Network. Lauryn has been working for UCM since September of 2021 & is well positioned to provide administrative support for our growing campus ministry work both in BC and nationally.


Lauryn graduated with a BA in Religion and majored in Non-Profit Organizational Leadership in 2021. Her interests include anything outdoors, reading, shopping, criminal justice, and serving at her local church. She is originally from Alberta, but is currently living in Maple Ridge, BC. Lauryn is married to Seth Kelman and they are actively involved at Richmond Pentecostal Church in Richmond, BC where Seth is the Student Ministries Pastor.


January 1, 2023

UCM Partnering with Mission Canada

UCM will become part of Mission Canada in 2023. Mission Canada is a national network of local missionaries (workers) under The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Other than the changes of titles and affiliation, some major transitions will be in how we receive donations.

Our UCM Donation Portal has changed to Mission Canada. Between October 1-December 31, 2022 we are requesting all donors to transition to the new platform. Please take time to set up your current support for your campus worker there. USA Donors may also select “For US Donors” under the missionary profile picture. 

Canada Donors: Be sure to log in to Church Center to end your current support for the UCM team.
Please email or call the BC and Yukon PAOC District office at 604-533-2232 Ext. 2 for any questions you have.

USA Donors:
After setting up your support with Mission Canada, then please cancel UCM donations by logging into or emailing 360-733-8400 Ext. 202


Thank you for your ongoing generosity for our team and their work on campuses!  


November 9, 2020

A Look Into UCM This Fall

The pandemic has affected our ministry significantly, many of our campus ministries have transitioned to online or to some in person socially distant gatherings. Here’s a video of what a recent gathering at our VIU campus looks like as they note memorable moments on Zoom!