to Jan. 16


You don’t want to miss this retreat.

Join students from campuses across BC for a weekend to enjoy God’s presence and hang out together.

A refreshing weekend that is spiritually revitalizing to your soul.  Student-led worship, inspiring speakers, thought-provoking discussions while creating deeper and new friendships.

Our vision is that you would not only have a great weekend but that you will “EMERGE refreshed and Spirit-empowered for life.”

Registration is live!

We look forward to seeing you at Camp Squeah in January 2022!

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to Jan. 16


  • Google Calendar ICS

In the midst of a pandemic, we all need a retreat.

Join students from campuses across BC for a weekend to enjoy God’s presence and virtually hangout together.

A refreshing weekend that is spiritually revitalizing to your soul.  Student led worship, inspiring speakers, thought-provoking discussions while creating deeper and new friendships through this online experience.

Our vision is that you would not only have a great weekend, but that you will “EMERGE refreshed and Spirit empowered for life.”

Registration is live and FREE to attend!

We look forward to seeing you in January 2021!

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9:00 a.m.09:00


This is not just a conference to meet + greet or to create another event.
This day has been built to send a generation on an adventure, on mission, on purpose to make a significant, practical, and positive impact in our culture, context, and world.

Coffee lounge opens at 9am. Lunch is included.

Attendees are responsible for their own accommodations and transportation arrangements.

With Special Guest Zach Wylie

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8:30 a.m.08:30


October 20th is Campus Ministries Sunday. God has brought "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth" to Canada's campuses. Over 160 nations come to BC to study. It is missions in reverse! Let us know if you are interested in hosting a campus worker to come and share a short update on Oct 20 or any date of your choice. We also have some other promotional resources as well. Contact John Engels at 604-533-2232 x241 or email info@joinucm.org to find the best option for your congregation. Please consider taking an offering for University Christian Ministries or by making a donation for a campus or general fund in the online.

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Emerge 2019
to Jan. 13

Emerge 2019

  • Mountainview Conference Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


It’s an essential human need. Dignity heals our hurts, lifts up the weak, and gives hope to the hopeless. This weekend come and learn from the ultimate dignifier of persons: Jesus.

In the Bible, Jesus preserved and offered dignity to those with whom He shared His message of hope.  In our society today we see that people long for this basic human need to be met; often they do not find what they are looking for.  

Jesus takes the hurts we have, the shame we hide and the scars that are apparent to everyone and dignifies us so that these all become a powerful witness for him. 

Let’s retreat to the mountains together.

Join 200+ students from campuses across BC for a weekend away to enjoy God’s presence and hangout together in the midst of His creation.

Enjoy Camp Hopeset in a beautiful valley near Hope, BC! The weekend is fun and spiritually revitalizing to your soul.  Experience the beauty of God's creation, student led worship, inspiring speakers, comfortable accommodations, outdoor campfires, great food, making deeper and new friendships.

Our vision is that you would not only have a great weekend, but that you will “EMERGE refreshed and Spirit empowered for life.”

Registration is live! We look forward to seeing you in January 2019!


Map to Camp Hope   Camp Phone: (604) 869-2615


Main Speaker


Paul Khosla

Main speaker

Loves Jesus, you, and coffee (like… a lot)

Paul Khosla is the coordinator for SERVE Campus Network, a national network of Pentecostal campus ministries that includes UCM.  He lives in Oakville, Ontario and Hyderbad, India with his accounting corporate operations ninja wife, Diana; wonderfully artistic daughter, Isabel and joyfully entertaining son; Judsen.

He has spent nearly 20 years engaged in  ministry, including the six  years focusing on university chaplaincy and campus church planting.  Paul is a passionate follower of Jesus and leverages discipleship, innovation and creative environments to fulfill his calling. 


Breakout Sessions

Vocational Discernment

Trying to figure out what your next step is? Amy Wilson-Roberts is a career coach who loves helping young adults think though their future and how they can contribute to this world. She has a comes from a diverse educational background with Degrees in Kinesiology, Studio Art and a Master’s in Theology.

Incubating God’s Kingdom in the Marketplace

Paul built portable housing.  Lydia made high-end clothing.  Barnabas was in Real Estate, and Apollos was in Education. Matthew worked with spreadsheets, and Luke had a medical practice.  While these early Jesus followers provided for themselves and those they cared about, they penetrated every region of the then known world, living out the glory of God, inspiring hope, justice and transformation.

Are you someone who is discontent to just attend a church meeting?  Have you heard that Jesus is calling his followers to the marketplaces of everyday life in the most exotic of places? Places where they can ply their trade and practice their profession while they live out the glory of God amongst people who’ve never heard of redemption.  Are you interested in more than the normal life?  

Come join a conversation with some crazy radicals who start communities of Jesus followers through business and professional practice among unreached peoples. 

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9:00 a.m.09:00


  • Living Waters Church Fort Langley (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is not just a conference to meet + greet or to create another event.

This day has been built to send a generation on an adventure, on mission, on purpose to make a significant, practical, and positive impact in our culture, context, and world.   

I am excited to invite all young adults to a special gathering on November 17th in Fort Langley called SENT; a generation SENT on purpose, on adventure, and on mission. More than another event or conference, this day is geared to gather together to work out the unique purposes God has on our lives. The cost is $10.00/person and all the details are online at www.sentgeneration.ca.

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Campus Ministry Sunday 2018
8:00 a.m.08:00

Campus Ministry Sunday 2018

October 21st is Campus Ministries Sunday. God has brought "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth" to Canada's campuses. Over 160 nations come to BC to study. It is missions in reverse! Let us know if you are interested in hosting a campus worker to come and share a short update on Oct 21 or any date of your choice. We also have some other promotional resources as well. Contact John Engels at 604-533-2232 x241 or email info@joinucm.org to find the best option for your congregation. Please consider taking an offering for University Christian Ministries or by making a donation for a campus or general fund in the online.

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